“My friend who already donated for New Life asked me did I want to try. I was the donor in one the clinic in Poland, but then I was not happy, I had to ask for every information and didn’t want to again participate in the process in this clinic. Now I am glad that my friend convinced me since I was in New Life handled very professionally – the whole process was explained to me step by step and I was assured of safety during the trip, I knew it from my friend already. After 2 weeks, Justyna called me so I didn’t hesitate for a moment, and a month later, I was getting ready to travel to India. At the airport I met Natia, coordinator from Georgia, who cared about me as a mother J She cared if I ate well, drank a lot of water. I felt very well during whole stimulation. For me it was enough that I can use the facilities at the hotel and taste delicious Indian food – but Natia surprised me by taking me on a tour of Mumbai ! It allowed me to see how people live in this country and how their culture is different from mine. I’m very, very grateful for this! Going back to what for I arrived, I was positively surprised by the standard equipment of the clinic and attention to detail. Nurses and doctors took care of me, I was waiting for surgery shortly and after I staued a few hours as clinic physicians have confidence that I’m feeling good. It was an amazing experience that I hope to repeat soon. ”